Endodontic Referrals

Many times endodontic treatments can seem quite complex and may need re treatment. This is often due to limited visibility during this treatment.


At Peelhouse Dental Care in Widnes we have invested in a working endodontic microscope to aid vision during treatments and also a CBCT Scanner that helps aid diagnosis and thus gives us a much better idea of treatment outcomes.


If you have been having problems with a root treatment or would like to be referred to Dr Matt Lawler for this treatment then please ask your dentist to complete the referral form adjacent.


We are also happy to receive referrals from colleagues for more routine endodontic treatments and of course we will keep you informed of any progress of such treatment plus refer your patient back to your care at the end of the root canal work

    Referring Dentists Name (required)

    Referring Dentists Email (required)

    Referring Dentists Address (required)

    Referring Dentists Telephone (required)

    Patient Name (required)

    Patient Email (required)

    Patient Address (required)

    Patient Telephone (required)

    Reason For Referral

    Please attach radiographs if available (2mb limit):

    Please attach photographs if available (2mb limit):

    How Urgent is the Referral:

    I consent to Peelhouse Dental Care storing the information on this form (required)

    I am happy for Peelhouse Dental Care to contact me with details of services and promotions.


    dental care plans in widnes

    Dental Health Care Plans

    Our dental health care plans are for our patients who are dentally fit or have had a course of treatment and want to maintain that level of dental health.


    They involve dental health checks with the dentists or therapists and hygiene/gum treatments with the dental hygiene therapists.

    Do you want to join the practice?
    We’re here to provide you excellence in Dental Care without compromise