Root canal therapy is needed when the soft, living part of the tooth called the pulp (sometimes referred to as the ‘nerve’) has become damaged or infected. This is typically due to extensive decay, tooth or root fractures, or secondary decay under a leaking filling or crown.
Often, patients have a tooth removed due to infection or pain when root canal therapy could have saved the tooth. If you have persistent, nagging, dull pain, or pain that comes and goes, it may be because the nerve part of the tooth (pulp) is diseased. Studies have shown that root canal treatment carried out well can have a success rate of up to 95%, which is comparable with the success rate of dental implants.
Root canal therapy can also be carried out to save a tooth that has previously been root treated but which has become infected again (re-treatment). This can also be highly successful and enables you to retain the tooth and restore it so that it is comfortable and functional.
Matt has a special interest in this field and is studying for an MSc in Endodontics. He has invested in a magnifying microscope which really improves the outcome of treatments as he can now treat teeth that previously would have had to be extracted because of lack of good access to the pulp chamber.
Matt is also happy to receive referrals from colleagues for endodontics. If you wish to refer electronically please use the Endodontic Referral Form, or you can of course refer in a traditional manner.
Our dental health care plans are for our patients who are dentally fit or have had a course of treatment and want to maintain that level of dental health.
They involve dental health checks with the dentists or therapists and hygiene/gum treatments with the dental hygiene therapists.