We offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry to really improve your appearance. Firstly, though, it is important to really understand your likes and dislikes and then to be able to offer you choices and discuss through all the options.
Not all treatments are suitable for everyone so it is important that we take the time to diagnose the problem correctly and then provide you with the right solution.
Cosmetic dentistry can vary from some simple tooth whitening to repositioning teeth using adult orthodontic treatments and perhaps some minor adjustment of teeth using composite filling material.
Other times more invasive dentistry may be required such as crowns, veneers or bridges and missing teeth may require to be replaced using dental implants.
You can be sure that we will take the time to thoroughly understand your concerns, diagnose the problem and offer solutions that will work for you.
Our dental health care plans are for our patients who are dentally fit or have had a course of treatment and want to maintain that level of dental health.
They involve dental health checks with the dentists or therapists and hygiene/gum treatments with the dental hygiene therapists.