A full range of dental treatments are offered here at Peelhouse Dental Care in Cheshire.
Whether you are looking for routine visits with regular checks with our dentist and then gum health treatments from our dental hygiene therapists or more complex solutions to restore broken teeth or missing teeth, we can provide your care for you.
We aim to have a complete care approach so you can receive all your treatments, whether simple or more advanced, in one place.
Following a full assessment of your dental health we can then start to see which treatments are suitable for you and would achieve the result you and ourselves are looking for. This can often take time but will usually involve some of the treatments discussed here.
Our dental health care plans are for our patients who are dentally fit or have had a course of treatment and want to maintain that level of dental health.
They involve dental health checks with the dentists or therapists and hygiene/gum treatments with the dental hygiene therapists.