Six Month Smiles cosmetic adult orthodontics at Peelhouse Dental Care, cosmetic dentist in Widnes Cheshire

Adult Braces- Nearly There!!

Six Month Smiles Adult Braces – Nearly There!

Well, I thought today was going to be the day that I got the braces off!  KL_16_12_14_a_optIt could have been, they’re good, but after chatting with Matt, they’re not perfect and I want them perfect.  I don’t see the point in spending my hard earned cash and going through 6 months treatment if they’re not going to be perfect.

I had the lingual button removed today (remember previously I’d mentioned it went on the back of my lower teeth?).  Also, had the wires changed again and a ‘pop bend’ put in the lower wire near my left canine to help rotate/upright it a bit more.

Power chain removed and no need for as many quick ties, which is great for me because it should be easier to brush my teeth now.  It’s not been difficult, just more time needed and the practice gave me a toothbrush specifically for ortho and it’s better than a regular toothbrush (looks the same!).

I can’t tell you how happy I am with the results so far.  Apart from the first couple of weeks (when the brackets rubbed the inside of my cheeks) it’s been completely painless.  I’m so happy with how it’s gone and can’t believe how much my teeth have moved and in such a relatively short space of time.  Other options was to wear braces for 18 months – 2 years and that was no cheaper!

Teeth Straightening after 2 weeks

Teeth Straighening after 8 weeks

I’ve also asked Matt to comment on each of my posts (where necessary), so he can give you his opinion and update on what we did at each visit.

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