19 Jan Insight
Welcome to my brand new blog – Insight. In fact, this is my first ever blog for our brand new website – please feel free to take a look around. I am totally passionate about delivering thorough, holistic, patient centred dental care in a predicatable and minimally invasive way – there’s nothing more satisfying than helping my patients achieve their goals and stay dentally healthy for life. I hope my regular blog will inspire you to better health.
So my first blog is mostly about forthcoming blogs – yes, a blog about blogs. Really I just want to let you know what I’ll be rabbiting on about, because although, on the face of it, some of my chosen topics might seem a bit dull, I promise you there’ll be some genuinely interesting and actually useful information in there – hence my blog series title, Insight. And hopefully you’ll find my utterings as direct, honest and controversial in print, as I am in person.
Over the coming months I’ll be discussing some of the following topics:
Third world dental problems, here in the UK
My hugely respected and knowledgeable colleague Dr Tony Kilcoyne, specialist in prosthodontics recently highlighted the disastrous state of our children’s dental health in the national media, appearing on BBC news and in the daily telegraph. I’ll be giving you my wisdom in preventing decay, an entirely preventable disease.
Diet and nutrition
So you’d expect me to bang on about sugar and how it’s everywhere and it’s the cause of our ‘third world’ dental problems? While that’s largely true, I’m thinking wider – refined carbohydrates, obesity and diabetes, and perhaps the biggest wholesale lie perpetrated on the western world; the low fat diet.
…with a dental flavour: from royal medieval dentures to the discovery of xrays and the development of 3D digital imaging, I’ll be enlightening you with some interesting trivia and waxing lyrical about the wonders of contemporary dentistry – thanking our lucky stars we live in the 21st century!
And of course, it would be naïve of you to think I’m not going to mention our advanced dental practice, wonderful team, and what we might do to help you. I’ll even share with you some of my own personal dental experiences as a patient, and tell you about some of my professional colleagues who have taught me and inspired my to try and be the very best at what I do.
I know you must be reeling now in anticipation of my next post, but you’ll just have to wait a bit – I have to write it first.
Dr Matt Lawler is clinical director and principal dentist at Peelhouse Dental Care in Widnes, Cheshire….
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